3 Steps to fix rounded shoulders at HOME 🏑

1.πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ Thoracic extension - Open the joint

2. πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ Banded Up & Over - Stretch the pec minor (inner chest muscle) and anterior delt (Shoulder)

3. πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ Band Pull apart - Strengthen to mid back and lower trap muscles

#fit_tip Keep thumbs pointed up πŸ‘πŸΎ so the shoulder open ups fully, allowing a deeper stretch 

Studies have shown that strengthening the back muscles listed above is more effective than stretching the chest and shoulder. Male body builders also typically suffer rounded shoulder more than untrained individuals, likely due to imbalances cause by training the chest over the back

Personal observation have shown that computer jobs cause rounded shoulders 🫠

Try this routine of stretches and exercises every day for 4 weeks

Hold the stretches for 3 sets of 30 seconds.

Perform 1 - 2 sets of 20 - 30 reps of the two back exercises demonstrated or any combination of the following

♦️ Deadlifts

♦️ Pullups

♦️ Bentover rows

♦️ Facepulls

♦️ Farmer carries

♦️ Rear delt flys

ADDITIONALLY, a bonus step would be to check your posture every hour and make a mental note to correct it. That habit alone will be extremely effective for maintenance, and has been for myself. Self reminders such as watch reminders every hour to stand up and move also help

Move with confidence


Nyo Mudzingwa

A little bit about me: I'm obsessed with optimal health and motorcycles. When I'm not in the gym or shooting pics, you can find me in Indigo getting lost in business and wellness books. 

I have a knack for capturing candid moments. My goal is to make you comfortable and have a great time. I want to show you at your best, so you stand out from the rest. 

As a Personal Trainer, I have a gift for identifying limiting beliefs. I help my clients master their minds and form new, healthy habits. Only then can they start to accomplish their grandest goals and sustain lasting change. 


Me and my soul-plate β™₯️


Self Confidence hypnosis